Broadly, I am interested in algorithmic game theory and stochastic systems. In the past, I have worked on complexity of computing equilibrium in finite stochastic games with imperfect information. I have also been working on a theoretical model for Bridge Bidding.
My other research interests include formal methods and verification, combinatorics.
I also enjoy thinking about theoretical questions that have direct and interesting applications.
Simplifying Imperfect Recall Games
Hugo Gimbert, Soumyajit Paul, B. Srivathsan - AAMAS 2025 (Full paper)
Pushable chromatic number of graphs with degree constraints
Julien Bensmail, Sandip Das, Soumen Nandi, Soumyajit Paul, Théo Pierron, Sagnik Sen, Éric Sopena - Discrete Mathematics, 2021
Journal version
A Bridge between Polynomial Optimization and Games with Imperfect Recall
Hugo Gimbert, Soumyajit Paul, B. Srivathsan - AAMAS 2020 (Full paper)
Arxiv | Conference version
PhD thesis